Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happy 12th Birthday, Emily!

Emily turns 12 today! As usual, we woke her up with the Beatles "Birthday" song. She doesn't want much for her birthday - her choice for dinner, movie night with the family and a Facebook page. Dinner & movies are planned for tomorrow as Kate will be coming home for the weekend. She's graciously coming home to help out her sisters while David & I make a QUICK trip to FL for a friend's wedding. We'll only be in FL for 19 hours. Wish we could take more time to enjoy relax on the beach, but at least the wedding is actually at the beach. :)

Just how I'm feelin today!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Deja vu

We've just recently gotten word that Gabi's cancer is back with a vengeance. She has a new, fast growing tumor in a totally new place. She will be going to the Dr. tomorrow to talk about whether to even attempt chemo/radiation again. We had a wonderful visit with Gabi & Papa Saturday that even Kate was able to be there for. We appreciated the effort she made in meeting up with us! After the visit the six of us had a nice dinner together before Kate left for "home". I think it was harder to watch her drive away than it was for us to leave after moving her to the apartment.

On a lighter/happier note we got to babysit Connor, my Godson, Friday night. He is changing so fast! He's starting to have a little of Lauran showing up in his face now. Sarah got to hang out with him before she left for an night of skating. Emily & her friend, Katie, helped take him on a walk and I think the walk did them good too as they both went to bed quite nicely later. Megan was a trooper & hung out with me all night. It was really nice that Lauran hung out for a few hours when she came to pick him up. Reminded me of the Friday nights we would get together with her & her mom all those years ago - only then the baby was Kate!

The girls have all been enjoying having their own rooms since we got Sarah moved into Kate's old room last weekend. Yes - we totally LABORED on Labor Day weekend. But it's nice being able to get to their trundle beds easily now Em & Sarah aren't sharing. Makes school nights much smoother, too!

Today was a nice quiet day with the laundry...David was able to get in a 24 mile ride. Cody hung out over here all day with Megan. A very peaceful day, which we really needed. Tomorrow its back to the to fight the good fight. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Keeping my fingers crossed that my cousin Michael & his wife Jillian (who is 40 wks & 4 days pregnant...ouch!) have baby Thomas SOON!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hello, Is there anybody still out there?

Ok, I know it's been MONTHS...but I'm still alive! As my cyber friend, Kathy says, I've been seduced by Facebook! I have reconnected with a ton of friends from high school and old friends - and just seem to be there instead of here...I will try and correct that! So to catch you up...May saw a weekend trip for David & me to Philadelphia to a wonderful event planned by my brother, Kevin, for my parents 50th wedding anniversary. It was great! I've told my brother that if that "lawyer thing" doesn't work out he'd make a great event planner - he thinks he'll keep his day job. June is a blur & I remember nothing but work, home, band camp for Em, waiting for Lauran to have the baby, work, home, band camp, waiting. July saw the birth of my Godson, Connor Michael Fox on the 2nd (his mother's birthday!) and an offer on the house that with a bit of drama finally concluded with a closing in Aug. Still in July...Kevin & Lisa are heroes again as they flew Megan up to Milwaukee for a weekend of fun away from the parents. She's still talking about what fun it was. The next week John & Kelly Turner came for a quick visit - and surprised us by taking Megan, Emily & Sarah home with them for 4 glorious (for us at least) days. Kate had to she missed out. Kelly ended up taking Em & Sarah with her to Alabama to visit another friend of ours for 2 of the 4 days. We also celebrated Sarah's 10th birthday - my baby is no longer in single digits & she's loving it! August brought the conclusion of the "old" house saga and a return to school for all the kids. It also saw the bittersweet moment of us helping Kate to move out into her 1st apartment in Bloomington. She won't be returning to the nest next summer as she has a job with a law firm that will keep her in Bloomington. So we loaded it all into a U-Haul and headed out. It was a LONG day! Luckily the next day we had Connor's baptism - so it helped soothe my heart. We are still hanging in there with the business and hoping for a turn in the economy soon! I am telecommuting more days than I'm in the office - and that helps since the office is a 35-40 min drive. Although I'd love to have so much invoicing to do to make it so I had to go more often...Ok, so now we're basically caught up & I promise not to drop off the face of the earth again! Hope you all had a great summer. Drop me a comment to let me know you're still out there, too! Oh and a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Zane today!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Megan's 16th Birthday

Saturday was Megan's 16th birthday. We had a WONDERFUL day! Megan, Katie and Sarah (more details in a minute) had their boyfriends over. Emily's 'bf', Tyler, wasn't over (Em was too embarrassed to call & ask him over - but since I know his mother spent part of the day floating in the freshly opened pool, I'll bet he was busy, too!) Zane brought over his Guitar Hero & Rock Band. Now, I've heard about these forever from friends, but never had the opportunity to play. Boy could I get addicted! It was way too much fun even with no alcohol involved! Normally we're more of an introverted bunch. David jokes that he just doesn't like people. I can be dragged out(I mean persuaded)by friends and usually have a great time - but am not an instigator. So to have a bunch of people over just to hang out is not our usual thing. For me it's because I worry too much. Is the house clean, do we have food or drink for all, will the kids behave, are we interesting enough for hours on end....for David, well, see above. I had asked Meg & Kate if they wanted to have the guys over for dinner for Meg's birthday. Cameron (Sarah's 'bf') lives down the street and just came down to play and ended up joining in. He's great about just hanging out - just like Cody & Zane. I'm sure David appreciated a little more testosterone in the house for awhile.

Maybe we're turning a new leaf with socializing. Friday night we went out to dinner with friends. Sarah's Godfather, Jeff, was in town. Now that man is an instigator. He's always good about making time to see us when he comes to town. We were joined by Katie's Godfather, Mike, Jeff's mom and Jeff's business associate & his wife. We lingered after dinner and it was really nice.

Sunday my parents made the trip over from Cincinnati to see us. It was a quick trip, as my sister had had hand surgery & was unable to do just about anything for herself. They needed to make it a short trip as they had to get back to her, but they wanted to give Meg her gift. They were able to stay long enough to see the "old" house after the open house was over. The open house that day went well. One woman that saw it brought her husband back to view it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it sells quickly. I just don't want to have to maintain the gardens all summer. I really need to take care of my own - which currently are weed infested.

So socializing...a new leaf or just a fluke??

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Katie!

Happy 19th Birthday, Katie! Hope all your wishes come true!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Well, it's finally done! The old house is officially on the market. They've taken the pictures and it makes it look sooo big. I told the realtor not to get near me with that camera 'cause I didn't want to see what it would do to me! I'm always so nosey and want to see other houses - so if you're like me...and I know most of you are...go to and put in for single family homes at the $164,900 price. Ours is the first one that comes up - Kensington Ct. The MLS# comes up some house in Michigan - so I can't get you there that way. We already had one showing today and have another scheduled for Sunday. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Amazing Sheep

My friend, Ariane showed me this this morning. Really cool video. Clean so the kids can watch, too!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Michelle Marie!!!! So when are you asking your parents for the car so you can drive up here????!!!! Hope today is the very BEST!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How'd THAT happen?

Yes, yes, still working on the "old" house....but while the Kilz, bleach and paint fumes were getting to my head last night I started thinking....scary, I know! I got married after my freshman year of college. This started me thinking about MY freshman in college, Katie. Which got me to thinking about how old/young she is....thought train is still rolling...which got me to the point of wondering when she'll be the exact same age as I was when I got married. of today she'd have been married for 11 days. NO FREAKIN WAY! Not really sure where to go with that thought. I married my best friend, the love of my life, my other half. I knew we'd be together forever. 27 years later I'm still married to my best friend, the love of my life, my other (better) half. But seriously Katie is now OLDER than I was? Wow! I was a babe in the woods. I'm lucky I found such strong love so early - but I wouldn't want Katie to miss out on all that she's doing now - dorm life, roommates, relying only on yourself, anticipation of her future, proving to yourself you can do what you set your mind to....being strong and independent and just a little bit scared. I've done many of those things, but not completely on my own. I'm strong and confident now, but I think it took me longer to get here the way I did it. I hope my girls get the feelings of accomplishment I have now, but at an earlier age. BTW I was 18 years, 10 months and 19 days old when I got married. I Googled "Age in Days" to figure it out. What were you doing at that age???

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ah...the joys of a small town....

For my friends that are from Columbus and for those that use to be (this will make you homesick!) LONG BUT TRUE!

You know you’re from Columbus Indiana when:

1.) Everyone asks you if you're from Columbus Ohio, and you look at them and have to explain patiently for the fourty-millionth time, that you're from Columbus Indiana, and it does to exist. 2.)You know that Columbus is ranked sixth in the U.S. for architectural innovation and design by the American Institute of Architects, and could really care less.3.) There are two major high schools, Columbus North and Columbus East, and the East/North game is always the thing to be at..even if you don't like football! 3.) You drive three hours, or through three states just to come back from college/where you live- to go to the Ethnic Expo every October.4.) Same goes with the Scottish Festival. 5.) People try to convince you that Columbus Indiana does not exist, and you look at them like they're insane. 6.) You remember when the 'new Target' used to be a big shopping area with a Hills, and a movie theater that was right next to it. Same goes with Office Max..that used to be a hardware store. 7.) You remember when Kerasotes theater didn't exist and that was just a big cornfield. 8.) You spent part of your summer in the Purdue Extension office just to sign up for 4H that summer. 9.) You spent a large part of your summer during your childhood at Mill Race Park or Donner...when it wasn't submerged in water.10.) You know when to stay off certain roads due to flooding. aka 11. 11.) You're used to Columbus being flooded all of the time. 12.) You remember when Girl Scout Summer Camp (if you were in it) used to be at the Columbus Youth Camp before it got moved to the fairgrounds, and the ceremoniously moved to Cereland.13.)You spent a large amount of your time at the commons for dances, performances (of any kind..) and am bummed that they're getting rid of the dollar movies, and renovating it. 14.)One word...Cummins.15.)One phrase- Zaharako's at Christmas time... Yes you know what I'm talking about ♥ and the organ's gone now -sniff-.16.)You know how good ZwanZig pizza, and Avers really are. 17.)You know that Tony Stewart is from Columbus. 18.)So is the guy who created Chuck Taylors, whose name happens to be Chuck Taylor. 19.)You were part of the summer reading program at the public library.20.)You have thrown money into Chaos 1 at the Commons, and have actually made a wish. 21.)You have gone to First Christmas.22.)You know that Q-Mix Fireworks are so worth the holiday, and am bummed when you're not home for 4th of July. 23.)Along with Q-Mix Christmas Fireworks... 24.)You actually go to the Mill Race lights at Christmas time and hold your breath as you go through the covered bridge. 25.)You remember Shoney's.. out on 46, and wish that it would come back and Denny's would leave. 26.)You know that the Holiday Inn on 46 smells like Chlorine no matter where you are inside of it. 27.)You went to: Taylorsville, Mt. Healthy, Schmitt, Richards, Clifty-Creek,Lincoln, Smith, Fodrea, Rockcreek, Parkside,ABC Stewart, or Southside for elementary school.If you were privelaged enough you went to St. Bartholomew, Columbus Christian, and St.Peters for elementary/middle/and or highschool depending how far each went up...and then if you weren't..Went to either Central or Northside for Middleand went to North or East for Highschool. 28.)You know your history well enough to know that at one time Central used to be a high school and Southside used to be a middle school, and that North High School used to be Columbus High School. 29.) You know what Storybook Halloween is, and have been to the Breeding Farm. 30.)You know that most of Columbus is registered with the National Register of Historic Places...31.)You know that although they say there is stuff to do in town, there really isn't. 32.) You have done Softball, Gymnastics, or Iceskating and remember when that was was the best thing to do ever when you were younger.33.)You have either been to a performance, or performed with Mill Race Players. 34.)You go to/have gone to shows at the Crump..and would die if it ever dissapeared. 35.)You're happy to leave the city, but once you're gone you want to come back...for sentimental purposes. 36.)Have ever been to the Columbus Philharmonic...37.)Are nodding, and agreeing to everything I've written so far. 38.)Have been guiltly known to call the structure thing in front of the library 'the Elephant Bone...' because there is no other real name for it, and you don't know it's real name to begin with. 39.)You know all the names for what the Edinburgh Outlet Mall has been... Horizon Outlets..etc.40.)Irwin Gardens, need I say more?41.)You go to Scream Acres.42.)Bajio is the best place to go with a group of friends for lunch or dinner... 43.) You remember when the old Walmart was over by where the Bath Bed and Beyond used to be, and that the new Walmart will always be the one next to Kohls, and that the one on 46 is just too ritzy for most people to go into... haha.44.)You remember when Starbucks didn't exist in this town.. 45.)You realize that the Republic doesn't quite know what know, what type of newspaper it wants to be. 46.)You're thinking of more that I've missed... 47.)Tropical Sno, much?48.)Circuit City and Old Navy were once pipe dreams....but we got em now.49.)Lowe's moved...and it got bigger. 50.)Central died a slow and painful death...then was ressurected.51)McDonald's is being rebuilt before 31 is being widened.....Mayor Armstrong what were you thinking?52)The hang out place was Sam Goody.....then it closed.53)Mayor Armstrong has been the mayor since we were kids.54)You think wow, I paged for him (or got to meet) Mayor Armstrong way back when I was in Elementary school... and he's still mayor and I'm in college?! WOW!55.)Grits originated here...(the food)56)We're the main manufacturers for butt cream.57)You remember when Olympia was the hot place to go, and their chocolate cokes were the shiz, before Subway took over.58)The airport in Columbus used to be an army base, and the area containing Ivy Tech and IUPUC used to be part of it. 59.)You talk about American Pie all the time and how great it is, and all your college friends think you're talking about a dirty movie, not the best high school concert ever. 60.)Both Marching bands at North and East are respective State Champions, and East Marched at Disneyland, and North at the Rosebowl.(and you have fond memories because you were in marching band!)61.)You have been to the A&W Rootbeer stand and you actually enjoy it!!62.)You played on the Commons playground as a kid, and thought it was the most amazing thing ever!63.)You know that big snows only come once every two years, and the years in between will only warrant one snow day - if you're really, really lucky.64.)You get confused when people move into Columbus for a reason other than, "My parent(s) work for Cummins".65.)Malls with stores that actually stay for more than a few months are strange beings. 66.)You know your from C-Bus when you spent most of your time driving down country roads to get a little more (focused) 67.) Jaime from Mythbusters is from Columbus!! Aren't we all proud?! That show rocks!! 68.)You remember a time before the big red Second Street Bridge...69.)You've spent way too many $1 bills at Musillami's when they're having their large cone special...70.)You spent your middle school gym classes at Central swimming in a pool that was somewhere between Jelly and Jell-O but nowhere near water. 71.)You go to the Golden Corral to use the hand dryers that blow your skin off. 72.)On take your daughter to work day, all the "cool"girls went to were a reject if you didn't go.73.)You know the people trail mileage and what the people trail is.74.)You know what the flaming hanging thing is in the visitors center.75.)Hope is the wannabe Columbus although they do have the square thing76.)You know that The Republic thinks that North is the shiz and East is just below the shiz77.)You know and love Crazy Larry but you can't stand the new guy he sold his car to78.)You hate driving out to Burnsville/ E-town/ Newburn/ Petersville because they are considered the "Boondocks" and they're just gas wasters.79.)You rode your bike to the Donner pool every summer and had birthday parties in the pavillions at Donner park80.)You cannot forget Pop Fest! or Noble Romans!81.)You get your corn from the family farms and not from Kroger.82.)You're used to hearing bombing from camp Attebury in the summer when everyone else thinks it's thunder.83.)You know the horrible smell of the meat packing factory Maria's or Griffins..., and you gag everytime you drive past it.84.)You've been in the same classes with your friends or people you went to school with since Pre-K.85.)You know that Columbus is pretty much an island, you have to pass over two bridges on two different sides of town to leave.. and you know that Columbus has an underground lake. You also have heard somewhere that it used to be a Swamp, and Malaria was the main cause for death- way back ages ago.86.)You know that East and North offer Japanese, and your friends from the 'outside' are jealous when they find out.87.)You have been in the Electric Lights Parade, and or have gone to it every year since you were very little. That means being in it, helping build a float, or just standing and watching.88.)You remember the three different grocery stores that Circut City used to be... 89.)You remember a time before the Chuck-E-Cheese.90.)When you know what Teen Court and Youth As Resources are (YAR).91.) You know you are from Columbus, if you know why you shouldn't go to Noblet Park.92.) You know who the Old Prophet is (I don't but everyone else does...)93.)You remember "cruisin' the deuce nickel" was a cool thing...94.)When hanging out at Taco Bell,Lincoln, or East Brook, on Friday night was the place to be.95.)You were in H.I.P or at least know what it is.96.)If you know that East Theatre has been to Edinburgh twice... And it's in Scotland, dummies!97.)You've had a "flood day" and "fog day" off from school more than once.98.)You've seen/heard of/ or been in Safe Prom.99.)You know that formals and Proms should never cost more than 15 dollars for a ticket because it IS possible.100.)You have to say "It's an hour south of Indy" so many times when you introduce it that you go crazy....101.) You go to Walmart, not to buy stuff exactly- but to have fun. Especially at Midnight.102.)You remember when the side of town near 31 used to smell like donuts...and you'd roll your windows down just to smell it.103.)You remember seeing people hanging out in the North parking lot--on a weekend. 104.)You never could totally "get" the strange architecture in town. 105.)You were born or treated or just waited in the waiting room at Columbus Regional,and it's all beige/navy/maroon/pine green-y.106.)You hate the really big dip that you have to take slowly on the road just off 31.-which is 400. 107.)And the one lane bridge just after it.. 108.) You know when prom's a big thing in your town, because the entire city lines up downtown just to watch you walk in the door to prom. 109.)You remember that Fazoli's used to be Rax...which had better Roast beef than Arby's and the salad bar was awesome!110.)You know that no matter what goes into the place behind Wendy's, it's probably going to fail.111.)Tapatio's never checked your ID, as long as you sat in the back booths.112.)Columbus North had a "pot lot"113.)You're baffled that BOTH high school's are ranked in football....hell, just winning is good114.)You remember the big tree at the 3-way stop at Rocky Ford and Taylor Rd, and the campaign to save it.115.)You've bought doughnuts from Saps, not Dolly Madison.116.)When there is a Starbucks, or three minutes away from wherever you are...and wish that they would put one in, down by the Edinburgh Outlet Mall.117.)You've ridden the ColumBUS118.)You look at the news, and are still shocked to find out they are tearing down the Commons mall. 119.)You put C-Bus in your facebook profile, from where you're from. 120.)You wished or still wish they would have bus service out to BFE. 121.)You remember the Big Blue playground from Clifty Creek.122.)You will always wonder where those doors over the gym at Northside lead.123.)You secretly look forward to the Washington St. christmas lights every November, but wish they would wrap the entire tree instead of just the trunks!124.) You remember getting free kids' popcorns at Hills and then sneaking them in to the movie theatre next door.125.) You know who Jimmy Ryser is.126.)You know that John Mellencamp had his first concert at the Crump.127.)You remember the Commons Mall playground before the fireman's poles got taken out, and hiding in that big red pill because you weren't ready to leave yet.128.) You remember the scandal that Mr. Shepler was involved in.129.)You called you're prinicpal 'Uncle Phil.'130.)You remember Uncle Phil's "South end of the cafeteria/North End of the Library" speeches...that last 80 minutes.131.) You know that one of the high school's mascots is a torch.132.) You were part of the "Mr. Greene Fan Club"133.) You know that the CERA in CERAland stands for Cummins Employee Recreation Area AND are related to several of said employees.134.). You've heard visitors comment that the jail looks like a hotel/school, Southside looks like a prison, and East looks like a factory. And you agree.135.) You went to East High School and know that "The Pub" isn't a place to go drinking but is still one of the coolest places to hang out during Resource Mod. (And you know what the heck "Resource" and a "Mod" is!)136.)You went to Richards Elementary and they still had those black horse/sheep things around the big tree in the back. If you remember that, please tell me so I don't feel like a dinosaur!!!137.) You went to Northside and on lunch, went to Olympia and ate chili cheese dogs and Laffy Taffy.138.) East was still for intellects and North was for jocks.139.)If you still refer to the bowling alley by East High School as "Astro Bowl".140.)If you remember the Ayrway store before it became a Target.141.)If you wanted to get the new Fat Boys or AC/DC album you had to go to either The Music Box in the 25th St. shopping center or at Mohr Records at the Commons.142.)Burger Chef, Ponderosa (now Tapatio's),The Dead Horse Bank (still present), and Gropp's Fish of Stroh.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Emily's class went to the Wonder Lab in Bloomington on Friday for a field trip. Her thoughtful teacher, Aunt Heather, texted me and suggested that if Katie wasn't busy in a class she should come and surprise Emily. After about a 15 block walk in wickedly cold weather and hauling her backpack the whole way...Katie made it. She walked up behind Emily and gave her a big hug. Talk about surprised! They attended a lab together and then went on to an area where they got to do some climbing, etc. I'm sure it isn't exactly what Katie planned on doing with her Friday "down time" but it will be a memory that Emily will always treasure. How cool is it that your big sister who is away at college surprises you on your fieldtrip?? Gotta love it!

Tons of thanks to Susie & Evan, Mark, Ariane, Megan and Sarah for all the great painting at the house yesterday. Extra special thanks to Susie & Evan, Megan and Sarah for making back today for round two of painting!! David has the sound system almost finished so now we can play tunes while we work. He is making great progress on switching all the outlets and covers - but was sidelined for awhile today with a sudden migraine. He's back over there right now trying to get back on track.

Still plenty to finish painting and have to change the bathroom flooring before I can have the carpet put down....but at least we are finally putting it back together and making changes that someone can see and appreciate.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Skills

First I have to say that I have an awesome family! I'm sure that none of them want to be spending so many of their nights and weekends doing what we are doing at the Kensington house. Just to give you a perspective of how much work there is to do ... I had contractors out to give us an idea of price(s) to get the house back in shape to get it on the market ... and it would be over $24,500.00. Yes, twenty-four THOUSAND plus! Just to get it back to being acceptible. This doesn't include replacing the range, ceiling fans or putting can lights in the kitchen - which we are also doing. It's not like we're redoing the bathrooms or kitchen cabinets and counters. This is just to get it back to liveable! How can three people do so much damage (oh wait "hard living" is what the insurance company called it when they said it wouldn't be covered by my rental insurance) in only three and a half years? There wasn't a surface in the place that didn't need work. Needless to say, we didn't hire the contractors to do the work. But I did hire someone to re-do the mudding and taping in the basement. Amy's church had graciously hung drywall down there after we got it dried out from the flood. But all their good intentions didn't make it acceptible work. On the main floor Megan, David, Susie and I took up all the carpet, tack strips and staples because they were rusted through from the urine. The padding under the carpet in many places had disintegrated so badly that we had to scrape the subfloor with putty knives. After going over it with a disinfectant we used a bleach solution on them. AFTER all that Mark rolled a heavy layer of Kilz on all the subfloor. Although it helped, all the smell wasn't gone so we've gotten Justin to pull up parts of the subfloor and replace it. What a workout our Lowe's card has gotten! The best part of the first week was Susie & I learning to use a power washer. I WANT ONE!!! It was so exhilarating to see the mold stuff coming off the back of the house! Yes the inside of the place wasn't the only thing neglected. One of my other new skills is replacing deadbolts and door locks. David is in Boston all week - but we have been there every night but Tuesday working. (stayed late at the office and it's piano night!). Katie even came home last weekend to help out. Emily & Sarah tried to help, but that's a story for another day. They've been really good about being responsible for lots and lots of extra stuff at home (like laundry and cleaning!) Mark started painting ceilings last night while Megan & I finished up washing all the woodwork in the house so that the painters tape will stick. I don't think any of it had been touched since the last time I washed it while living there! Found another few spots that her pets had "hit" while doing that as well. I'm sure that once we get finished with bleaching the basement there will be no hint of pet smells left! Evan & Susie have found all the nail holes, wall dings, etc and gotten them spackled. This weekend we are going to paint the rest of the ceilings and walls. Anybody that wants to join the fun is welcome! Next week should be replacing bathroom flooring, putting up trim and doors in the basement and hopefully carpet at the end of the week. Still need to find an inexpensive range and have David finish up some electrical work. Hoping for a break in the weather to be able to get to cleaning up the landscaping next weekend. After that it should be a good scrubbing of windows and bathrooms and painting of exterior doors, etc. and we'll be finished! But as I said - we've got an awesome family and they are a blessing!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Special Moments

Tuesday night, before the girls went to bed, they announced yet another 2 hr delay. Being the smart mom that I am (muhahaha) I didn't tell the girls. I figured they'd be bouncing off the walls and it would take forever for them to calm down and go to sleep. Since I don't want them to wake up in a panic thinking they are late in the morning, I usually wake them gently before I go to bed and tell them about the delay. I'm one of those lucky people whos kids will roll right back over and go back to sleep if I have to wake them in the night.

I gently moved the hair off of Sarah's face and softly whispered that they had the delay. She gave me an angelic smile and told me 'ok'. Then she reached up and caressed my face just like she used to do when she was a little. I instantly flashed back to many a night staring into her adorable little face only to have her awaken and give me a sleepy grin as she tried to stretch her little arm to stroke my face. When my kids were little and couldn't sleep I would soothe them by snugging in and gently stroking their faces. It always calmed them and helped them to get to sleep. Or if they were fitful in their sleep it helped to soothe them.

I wondered it she was truly awake so I asked her what I had just told her. She answered correctly. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and was starting to pull away when rolled to her side and put her arm around me to pull me in closer. Does this kid know how to melt my heart?? I stayed there for a few seconds just breathing her in - - and she never let go. She was cuddling me like one of her stuffed animals. She gave a contented sigh and went back to sleep with her arm still around me.

It's moments like this that I will always treasure. When they are at their most vulnerable and you see what kind of person they really are. Not that she's not loving and caring during her waking hours - - it's just at this age they test their wings and sometimes aren't the most thoughtful with their words or actions. But moments like this are what you have to remember when they are not at their best. I think this one will be one I think back on for years to come to gather strength.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More snow & a two mortgages

It took me over an hour and a half to get to work today. Normally it is a 35 minute drive. Guess what - more snow! Can you hear the glee in my voice? Yesterday we had another 2 hr delay. I was so freaking excited this morning when the snow hadn't started before the bus came! Sorry to complain about the snow, Kathy. I know you Minnesotans are hardier stock (even if you are a transplant!).

Now for some good news/bad news stuff!

Good news - The house finally got cleaned (really, really good news!)

Bad news - Amy (to whom we were selling our former house on contract) up and moved out and left the keys in my mailbox sometime Sunday. No warning - just here are the keys, I can't afford to do this and my credit is too bad to ever get the home loan I was supposed to.

Good news - the kids went back to school yesterday and today! (small bits of my sanity have returned!)

Bad news - Amy let her 2(+?) dogs and 4(+?) cats use the carpet as their litter box. It STINKS in there! We're talking 1 bazillion gallon of Kilz between the wall and the floors. That is after we assess the damage to the subfloor and patch up the mutiliple holes in the drywall.....

Good news - our old neighbors are going to be thrilled to see someone take care of the house again.

Bad news - who's got the time or money to rennovate?

Good news - I've been addicted to those rennovations shows for years so now I'll be able to try and put it to good use.

Bad news - I'll probably mess it up like the ones you always see that look so confident at the beginning. Budget - $5.00; time frame - 1 day...... six months and $50,000 later.....oh shit!

Good news - I'll have stuff to blog about for awhile and make you all laugh!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Now they've done it....

Ok, now I'm really ticked off! (see me jumping up and down over there?) Two stupid plows came to our neighborhood tonight just before 5pm. The one that came down our cul-de-sac simply turned around. It didn't bother to PLOW on it's way down - nor on it's way back out. WTF???

You guessed it...

As you can tell from the fact that I'm posting again so soon....we are having yet ANOTHER snow day. You've got to be kidding me! Four days in a row. Not really sure what's going on with the lack of snow plows. I'm sure the city will blame it on the budget. I understand not getting the Monday night snow plowed as it was still snowing a ton on Tuesday but this is FRIDAY people! I assume that is the reason we can't send the kids off to school - buses can't get around the neighborhoods. Yet people still had to get to work somehow. The kids are still having thanks to me. Emily & Sarah went sledding yesterday with Em's friend, Sarah. Diana and Tyler were there, too. Thanks for keeping them from going in the pond! They had a blast! I, on the other hand, was stuck at home with my computer - working. Working from home is a goal of mine. But it would be easier to do if I could access all my work info. I've got to get some specific software before that can happen. After this I know I'll have to get that worked out before summer arrives. But at this rate since we're adding days at the end of the year to make up for all these snow days - - - summer won't arrive until July! Megan found her silver lining in all this. Her school has not yet used all it's snow days (as she only had one day off from this storm). So she'll get out of school long before Emily and Sarah. Lucky girl!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 3 ....

Are you kidding me???? Third snow day in a row??? Looking for the silver lining here.....I guess it gives me a chance to post daily to my blog which I haven't been able to do since going back to work. Work (ahhhh) that place where there's adult conversation and when I do a job it stays done....oh, um sorry about that....I mean, ahem, I LOVE MY KIDS and all our together time! David was able to get home last night. They re-routed them to Charlotte to avoid the connection in NY. He said they really didn't think they'd make

it as all the flights around them were being just plain cancelled. So he has graciously gone in to work to be me today. I had stuff that just HAD to be done and Megan only had a two hour delay today, so one of us had to go up there.

Still no sign of a snow plow in our neighborhood. The trash truck made why don't they put a plow on the trash truck and

multi-task? At least make a path or something? I don't understand people some times. We had at least three vehicles come down our cul-de-sac and get stuck yesterday. Its a straight shot down our street - you can't miss the fact that there's NO WAY OUT - so why do people insist on driving down it? I'm not talking about the people that live here, obviously, just the idiots that think they can drive anywhere. You know the like maniacs going around other people that are trying to drive carefully to not cause a wreck?? Secretly I take a little joy when I see them fishtail and then look around like "did anyone see me?". Or just have to try to drive into that snow that's up to our knees to show how cool they are. Saw one trying to do that last night and just got tickled when they had to rock it back and forth for a few minutes to back out of the street. We had a couple of guys stuck in front of our driveway for about ten minutes last night. I ended up having to walk Em's friend, Katie, to the end of our street so her dad could pick her up.

Anyway, think I'll go make a grocery list as we've eaten all the good stuff we had. I'm going to have to get the makings for Skyline as Diana has posted about it twice this week. To the rest of you stuck at home in the snow....hang in there....surely they have to go back tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day two

The sun has finally come out - but still no sign of a snow plow since this storm started Monday night. After two hours of shoveling yesterday I decided to take two neighbor boys up on their offer to clear my driveway today. Gave up on Suzanne showing up with her snow "thrower" (that's for YOU, 2 kids....!). Hoping that David will be able to make it home from Rhode Island tonight and the kids will be back in school tomorrow. I really needed to be at work these last two days. You know it's been a big storm when even the colleges shut down. Katie is thrilled to get a college snow day - very rare. It is very pretty looking at it from my nice warm house. When it comes to winter - I'm truly and observer, not a participant if I can help it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Calmness in our lives

I am passing this on to you because it definitely works, and we could all use a little more calmness in our lives. By following simple advice heard on the Dr. Phil show, you too can find inner peace.Dr Phil proclaimed, 'The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started and have never finished. So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished, and before the morning was over I finished off a bottle of White Zinfandel, a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream, a package of Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some Doritos, and a box of chocolates. You have no idea how freaking good I feel right now.

Pass this on to those whom you think might be in need of inner peace.

Thanks, Cara, for passing this on to me! You know if it comes from Dr. Phil or Oprah it's gotta be good advice!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Need One

I must really need a drink....

I was checking my email, after a crazy day at work but before making some small attempt to look like I even thought about making dinner, and the subject on one of my emails was "Winter Margarita". It was from Family Fun Magazine. I thought "Wow! That's unusual from them!" But that didn't stop me from clicking it to see what the recipe might be! Imagine my surprise when it was some stupid marshmallow snowmen and animal creations. The subject line actually read "Winter Menagerie" when I went back to read it again. Talk about disappointed!