Sunday, September 13, 2009

Deja vu

We've just recently gotten word that Gabi's cancer is back with a vengeance. She has a new, fast growing tumor in a totally new place. She will be going to the Dr. tomorrow to talk about whether to even attempt chemo/radiation again. We had a wonderful visit with Gabi & Papa Saturday that even Kate was able to be there for. We appreciated the effort she made in meeting up with us! After the visit the six of us had a nice dinner together before Kate left for "home". I think it was harder to watch her drive away than it was for us to leave after moving her to the apartment.

On a lighter/happier note we got to babysit Connor, my Godson, Friday night. He is changing so fast! He's starting to have a little of Lauran showing up in his face now. Sarah got to hang out with him before she left for an night of skating. Emily & her friend, Katie, helped take him on a walk and I think the walk did them good too as they both went to bed quite nicely later. Megan was a trooper & hung out with me all night. It was really nice that Lauran hung out for a few hours when she came to pick him up. Reminded me of the Friday nights we would get together with her & her mom all those years ago - only then the baby was Kate!

The girls have all been enjoying having their own rooms since we got Sarah moved into Kate's old room last weekend. Yes - we totally LABORED on Labor Day weekend. But it's nice being able to get to their trundle beds easily now Em & Sarah aren't sharing. Makes school nights much smoother, too!

Today was a nice quiet day with the laundry...David was able to get in a 24 mile ride. Cody hung out over here all day with Megan. A very peaceful day, which we really needed. Tomorrow its back to the to fight the good fight. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Keeping my fingers crossed that my cousin Michael & his wife Jillian (who is 40 wks & 4 days pregnant...ouch!) have baby Thomas SOON!!!

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