Sunday, February 22, 2009


Emily's class went to the Wonder Lab in Bloomington on Friday for a field trip. Her thoughtful teacher, Aunt Heather, texted me and suggested that if Katie wasn't busy in a class she should come and surprise Emily. After about a 15 block walk in wickedly cold weather and hauling her backpack the whole way...Katie made it. She walked up behind Emily and gave her a big hug. Talk about surprised! They attended a lab together and then went on to an area where they got to do some climbing, etc. I'm sure it isn't exactly what Katie planned on doing with her Friday "down time" but it will be a memory that Emily will always treasure. How cool is it that your big sister who is away at college surprises you on your fieldtrip?? Gotta love it!

Tons of thanks to Susie & Evan, Mark, Ariane, Megan and Sarah for all the great painting at the house yesterday. Extra special thanks to Susie & Evan, Megan and Sarah for making back today for round two of painting!! David has the sound system almost finished so now we can play tunes while we work. He is making great progress on switching all the outlets and covers - but was sidelined for awhile today with a sudden migraine. He's back over there right now trying to get back on track.

Still plenty to finish painting and have to change the bathroom flooring before I can have the carpet put down....but at least we are finally putting it back together and making changes that someone can see and appreciate.

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