Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More snow & a two mortgages

It took me over an hour and a half to get to work today. Normally it is a 35 minute drive. Guess what - more snow! Can you hear the glee in my voice? Yesterday we had another 2 hr delay. I was so freaking excited this morning when the snow hadn't started before the bus came! Sorry to complain about the snow, Kathy. I know you Minnesotans are hardier stock (even if you are a transplant!).

Now for some good news/bad news stuff!

Good news - The house finally got cleaned (really, really good news!)

Bad news - Amy (to whom we were selling our former house on contract) up and moved out and left the keys in my mailbox sometime Sunday. No warning - just here are the keys, I can't afford to do this and my credit is too bad to ever get the home loan I was supposed to.

Good news - the kids went back to school yesterday and today! (small bits of my sanity have returned!)

Bad news - Amy let her 2(+?) dogs and 4(+?) cats use the carpet as their litter box. It STINKS in there! We're talking 1 bazillion gallon of Kilz between the wall and the floors. That is after we assess the damage to the subfloor and patch up the mutiliple holes in the drywall.....

Good news - our old neighbors are going to be thrilled to see someone take care of the house again.

Bad news - who's got the time or money to rennovate?

Good news - I've been addicted to those rennovations shows for years so now I'll be able to try and put it to good use.

Bad news - I'll probably mess it up like the ones you always see that look so confident at the beginning. Budget - $5.00; time frame - 1 day...... six months and $50,000 later.....oh shit!

Good news - I'll have stuff to blog about for awhile and make you all laugh!

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