Tuesday, August 5, 2008

They're Baaack!

I picked up Emily & Sarah from camp today.

They didn't seem any worse for the wear after three days in the woods!

This was the first time for Sarah & her friend, Sara. Look at the happy, shiny face Sarah had on the day we dropped her off! Still smiling on day three - and ready go sign up for next year!

Emily & her friend, Ella, are "old hats" at this camp thing. They went together last summer, too. The drop off day picture looks like they are planning on giving their counselor some trouble!

Emily was talking about maybe going for a week next summer....but we'll have to see about that. I'm not sure Ella will be up for that.

Looking a little worn out on day three!

This guy is Steve. He has been at this camp FOREVER! Katie and Megan both remember him from their excursions to CYO camp - - That was about eleven years ago! He must be a fun guy though because both Katie & Megan grinned and laughed when I asked them if they remembered Steve. Can you say Peter Pan Syndrome? Anyway, the house was much too quiet without the "Littles" around! The phone didn't ring off the hook as it usually does. Nobody fighting over the computer....strange how just a few days without each other and all our batteries are recharged. I really did miss them - that's good to know! Makes me start thinking about how quiet it will be around here without Katie home. No - - don't want to go there yet.....(picture me humming, eyes closed and sticking my fingers in my ears).......

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

It sounds like the girls had a great time..I can't believe it is almost time for school to start!