I got tagged by a new blogging friend
2 kids....3 martinis (wish I knew how to make that a link....ooh, Suzannne.....) and the idea is to "tell you all seven things that maybe you don't know about me or just some weird, personal shit". My first thought was "oh cool, my new friend likes me...." so second grade of me... then I thought "Yikes! I'm so boring I've got nothing I can write". I checked into some of the stuff her friends had written just to get some ideas. That got me to laughing because I realize I've got "stuff" I'm just not sure how much of it I can share when I know my kids will sometimes check in on my blog, blog, blog, blog, blog (to be sung to the tune of the thong song...) They love to tease me about having one - a blog not a thong although they'd tease me about a thong if they knew - that is once they stopped puking. So fair warning my lovelies...proceed at your own caution! (Then again, maybe not). Oh, Wait! Wait! I think I just figured out how to make that a link!!! I'm so proud of me! ok - back to the list....(boy am I going to look even more like an idiot if that stupid link doesn't work...)
1. I am addicted to computer Mahjongg and Spider Solitaire. I love Bookworm Deluxe, too. I'm a closet geek.....
2. I would love to be able to dance - not just slow dancing. When I picture myself dancing I think I must look like Elaine on Seinfeld. Not many of you have ever seen me dance - cause the only time I have the nerve is when there's too much alcohol involved. I figure if I'm not going to remember this tomorrow - - whomever I'm out with probably won't either :)
3. I had a severe head injury in 1994. No, seriously! Ok, STOP laughing now.....I know you've all pretty well guessed there is something wrong with me...but I was weird even before that.
4. I devour fiction books. Mystery, romance you name it. Just as long as there aren't groping couples on the front cover! Hoping to still find the time now that I've gone back to work.
5. I've been officially kicked out of the state of Indiana by the police. Well now, there's a doozy! I was at David sister Terri's wedding. The champagne was flowing so quickly that Terri asked me to put a bottle in the back of David's car to make sure they would have one at the send-off breakfast the next morning. At the end of the evening everyone was leaving and before I knew it everyone had left the parking lot. David was in no condition to even tell me how to get back out to his house. This was before we were married and I still lived in Cinci so I didn't know my way around - especially at night. I had been on good behavior as this was one of the first "official" family events that I had attended. This was back before cell phones so I was waiting until his parents got home to ask how to get there. Before that could happen this cop pulled up and shined a flashlight in the car and saw the bottle of champagne. He took a lot of flack from the cops at the booking desk when he brought us in but he wouldn't back down. He tried to tell them that he wanted to book me for underage drinking (as I was still a teenager) and DUI. Um...the keys weren't even in the ignition! They put me in a cell with an adult female - I can't remember now what she was in for - but it scared me to death! My future father-in-law got me out in a hour or so but it seemed FOREVER. The charges were dropped - but I had to be - and I quote here - "out of the State of Indiana by sun down the next day". Is this a small town or what?! My parents didn't found out until about 15 years later when my father-in-law said something to my dad about it - thinking my dad already knew. Oops!
6. I'm scared of my family's history of Alzheimers. Especially since head injuries are supposed to add to the chances of getting it (see #3). I don't want my children to feel like they've been forgotten - even if they are adults at the time. I don't ever want to hurt them like that or be a burden to them.
7. I literally sang through contractions while giving birth to my girls. It was like being on a natural high - at one with mother nature (and my epidurals!). I loved being pregnant and snuggling a baby. I know - not PC and all equal rights - but it's true. Some people get angry and surly during labor (the opposite of their natural disposition) - I got happy and sang - wonder what that means my natural disposition is.....
And there you have it! Seven things you may not have known about me (or ever have wanted to have known!)
I don't have too many blogging friends that haven't already been tagged but here are a few
that I'm hoping will play along:
Kelly -
Turner House PartyLaura -
My Life