Recognize this kid?
Ever notice how kids act when someone has a camera around them? They all want to be in the picture - - they just go about it in different ways. You've got the "Get a picture of me!" group. Of course this group has to be broken down into sub-catagories of goofy faces and poses to make you look at them. Then you have the group of "No! I don't want my picture taken". These pictures usually consist of things in front of the face poses or the runaways. But then you get the sneak peak around the object to see if the picture has been taken yet or a fabulous shot of a blurry object. We've all got these pictures. Thank goodness for digital photography! We can see exactly what we shot and decide if we've gotten a good one or to try again. Remember how frustrating it used to be to take in the film for processing, wait days and days to get it back only to find out that the "perfect" shot you thought you had wasn't any good? How about those shots that somebody else took with your camera? Some are hilarious, others you can't even identify and some are just meant to be deleted quickly! Anybody else have tons of their kids striking a pose (with or without siblings or friends) that just show up on your cameras? Gosh, I could have sworn I deleted the last pictures after I uploaded....why does it show I'm about to upload 87 new pictures???? Again I say...thank goodness for digital!

You would think his mom would have taught him not to make faces at people:)
He is a very CUTE boy...wonder who his mom is..OPPS that would be ME!!
Why am I not surprised it was Tyler? You would think his mother would have taught him better~ obviously he should be in the group POSING!! Maybe we should say something to her...of course, it would be after a few maragritas from her drink maker ~ we wouldn't want to offend and can blame it on the drink {wink}
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