Tuesday, May 13, 2008

So it begins

It seems like the schools always try and cram so much into the last few weeks of the school year. Fund raisers, fieldtrips and class parties all seem to pile up this month. Add on top of that dr appts, lessons and practices - and it seems like May is always a blur for me. I was able to go with Sarah's class to Connor Prairie last week. It was pouring rain for most of the trip. We just decided that it made it all the more realistic of pioneer times. Several

other mothers and I road up in a car - No Bus for us yahoo! We even stopped for coffee before hitting the road. I have to say that made it a nice trip.

Mother's Day was nice. Emily got up and had just gotten out all the ingredients she needed to make pancake batter when the

electricity went out. Poor thing! She was trying to be so sweet. The electricity was out so long that we ended up eating the pancakes for dinner last night. Luckily I had gotten a cup of coffee before the outage!

I'll try not to wait so long between posts - but sometimes life has other ideas!


Suzanne said...

It sounds like you had a nice field trip! Sorry to hear about the power outage but pancakes for dinner are always a good thing too!

Diana said...

So..how wet did you get..and were you in the PARTY van:-)