Thursday, January 3, 2008


How cute is this? Yesterday morning I was looking out the window and saw a white blob in the woods across the street. Yes, I didn't have my glasses on. So I got my camera figuring I could probably zoom in and figure out what it was. Ok, so I'm not a bird watcher - and am not sure if this is an owl or some other preditory bird - but thought is was cool that this HUGE bird was sitting in the trees. Then I noticed this squirrel climbing up to take a better look, too. They just sat there looking at each other for a long while. The squirrel even climbed around to a limb on the bird's other side - as if to get a better look.

We did get to see a few friends over the holidays. David & I had a really nice time meeting up for dinner with Mike and Karla Giardina in Oldenburg. This is our second year doing this - and we are hoping it becomes a tradition. We had a lovely surprise visit from the Diehn family this past weekend. David & I even went with Tim & Suzanne to see a house in our neighborhood. They will be moving back from England over the summer. They still have time for another house hunting trip home before it is really crunch time - which means we'll hopefully get to see them again.

The holidays are over but the kids aren't back in school until next Tuesday. I did the dreaded bill paying yesterday. Today is packing up the decorations. It should be easier this year - as last year I packed things in boxes per room. When I took down the lights outside this year I was even organized enough to map out what lights and extension cords went where. Scary how organized I'm becoming! So....this is what it's like to be a grown up? Me???
I wish everyone a wonderful New Year!


Suzanne said...

OMG you really are organized with the holiday decorations. I really need to do that but maybe this year I will :-} Talk soon!!

Diana said...

I am laughing at MAPPING the lights out:)
This year I did mark each box on what was in it and where it went so hopefully next year will be easy.

Suzanne said...

I think the bird is a hawk or falcon...pretty neat!