Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Animals in the "wild"

This trip to Windfall seemed to be our animals in the wild trip.
We saw several blue herons every day.

We found a nest right off the side deck that had at least four baby birds in it. We're not exactly sure what they are - but they have long, long legs like the herons.

One night while David & I were sitting out at the firepit we had a heron land in the trees right above us. Those things are huge! I wonder if this was the mom or dad for the nest.

As usual, there were tiny lizards running around on the dock all week. We found a snake skin on the beach, too. Kinda cool but kinda ew, too!

The racoons enjoyed the trashbag we put outside one night. The chipmunks weren't thrilled when we cleaned up the mess before they could get their breakfast.

Sarah was a total "back to nature" girl this trip. She brought a jar from home determined to catch one of the minnow sized fish that hang out at the beach. I'm sure she was planning on talking us into keeping it if she caught one. Well - she caught one the first day we were there. Sammy. She made sure he had plants, sand, air and cracker crumbs for food in his jar. The funeral was late Thursday. She was sad but we told her that his last days were like a vacation because he didn't have to worry about being eaten by the big fish.


Diana said...

OMG..Can I tell you how hard I laughed at his FUNERAL was late Thursday...Tyler won a fair fish and left for camp and came home to a "sinker".
Your week looked like a lot of FUN!!!

2 kids...3 martinis said...

Hi there!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and letting me know that we are kind of in the same boat (so to speak). I have stopped by here before, through Diana and Suzanne's blogs, and read about the flood. I'm glad you all made it okay!
Thank you so much for the encouraging's so uplifting to hear others' stories and opinions; gives me a lot to think about.
You have such a beautiful family! How many of those girls are yours???
I am a former Columbus-onian as well. We've been here in Minnesota now for about a year. So different, I must say...
Thank you again for the advice and I can't wait to hear more about your family as well! Awesome lake trip...looks so relaxing!