Thursday, July 10, 2008

Clean up on aisle 4.....

Here we go again .... another office manager bites the I'm back to work full time for Hull and Knarr....this time it is permanent. We can't seem to find an office manager that can do the job correctly for more than two years in a row - so the decision has been made to bring me back full time to the office. The girls are trying hard to adjust to me not being around (especially on such short notice)...but we'll get into a rhythm soon. Luckily Katie had not been scheduled into work during the week this week as she has taken over picking Megan up from summer school and watching Emily & Sarah in the mornings. Megan takes over with them after she gets home. I'm hoping I'll be able to work my schedule around drop off and pick up times during the school year. Again David's promise to me when we first got married that it would "never be boring" rings true!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good job for me!........

Diana said...

Full time during the school year might not be bad but during the summer...:(

Suzanne said...

At least you won't get in trouble for sleeping with the BOSS :-)