Saturday, April 26, 2008

Gardening vs weeding

Well now that the weather has turned it's that time again. Don't get me wrong - I love gardening! It's just weeding I hate. I can only blame myself. I wait too late to start. I tell myself that I want to be sure that its really a weed and not a flower - so I'll just wait a little longer to be sure exactly what it is when it grows a little higher. Sounds reasonable doesn't it? Yeah, sure. Or it is cold out so I'll wait for a little warmer weather. A procrastinator ~ who me?? Duh! I think elves come at night and feed my weeds extra strength fertilizer once it starts to warm up! It is just so hard to talk myself into starting - and then even harder to find a spot in the garden(s) to stop. I just can't seem to make myself stop in an area that you can see a "line" of where I stopped. Ok so maybe I've got a touch of OCD. And sitting here at this computer isn't helping any so.....wish me luck, I'm going in (or out as the case may be!)

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Have FUN doing the weeding...I have to admit I don't have that problem...Tim does it! See you soon.