Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So fall has finally arrived. (Yes, that's one of our trees in the picture). It is my favorite time of year! I love the warm days and cool nights, snuggling up with someone you love! Things have been busy, but I think I'm keeping it under control. We've been lucky to see Katie several times this month. She was just back for a four day weekend. She worked several days, which is great. I think she was a little disappointed because most of us had stuff to do Thursday night when she got home and couldn't hang with her. She was hoping that after the girls all got off to school Friday that she and I could get breakfast and watch some movies. Sounds like heaven - there's just that little thing called work getting in the way. It was a slap of reality that as she says, "Life goes on without me here". Friday night was the fall festival at the elementary school. Diana, as usual, did a great job organizing and running the whole thing. She makes it look effortless! Emily and Tyler (Diana's son) walked around together all night. Diana is starting to think about planning the wedding. How fun would family gatherings be??? Party! Oh, hope David doesn't read this. He doesn't find these topics very funny! Which somehow makes it that much funnier to me!

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