You know the old saying about Indiana weather - If you don't like it hold on - it will change in a few minutes?? Well over the weekend it apparently hit the sixties here and yesterday we had a white out of snow! You can't even seen the woods out back! I say it apparently hit the sixties over the weekend because most of us were soooo sick over the weekend that I have no idea what the weather did. While I was at school doing Valentine parties for Sarah and then Emily on Thurs. David came home sick. He couldn't get out of bed until Friday night - and that was only to move to the sofa. Sarah came down with it Thurs. night. Emily got it by Friday morning. Megan ignored it as best she could to make it to school Friday. By Friday night we were all down with it except Kate - who was smart enough to stay out of the house except to change into or out of work clothes all weekend. I spent yesterday disinfecting everything so hopefully we're done with it! Don't you just love when they "guess" the wrong type of flu shots to give everyone for the year??? Hope everyone else it healthy!
Hope you are better soon...sounds like you had a 'great' weekend {wink}
Knock wood is all I can say:)
Great pic..it was amazing how it snowed to hard then just STOPPED.
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