Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I'm in charge of bringing appetizers for Thanksgiving this year. Anybody have suggestions on what to make? They have to be something I make ahead since the oven/stove will be occupied on Thanksgiving day. They need to be able to be transported in the car for two hours. I'm looking for something different - but not too complicated. Yes, I want it all and I want it now....easy, tasty, not too ordinary.
Gabi is doing well at home. Not much news. She goes back to the doctor just before Thanksgiving to discuss chemo.
David, once again, is in California for a few days on business. Kate starts her new job at Polo/Ralph Lauren this week. More money and less hours! Yeah! Everybody else is doing well - thankfully it is a relatively quiet week for us!


Suzanne said...

I'd say call Diana...she always has great recipes.

Diana said...

I will go through my Bunco recipes and send you soon:)