Friday, September 14, 2007

New sign

It's Friday - the day I normally try and wrangle the cluttered house somewhat into order. The sun is shining, I've got the windows open and it is beautiful out - - - so somehow I'm just not in the mood to clean! Can't blast my cleaning music since the windows are open - hey - I'm airing out the house - that's at least a start, right? Better find some headphones and use my Ipod to get this junk done. DVR update - I got the new one and hooked it up myself in time to record the show for Kate. I think I'll have to take it back, though, because the "regular" channels are all "fuzzy". I usually watch just the HD channels - but sometimes still need the regular ones. Think I'll procrastinate (as usual) and put that on the list for next week. :) I Found cute, yet inexpensive dresses for Emily and Sarah for Lauran's upcoming wedding. I actually found one for myself that I loved at Kohl's - but talked myself out of it due to price. It kept bugging me - so I went back yesterday afternoon to see if it was even there anymore. Not only did they still have ONE left in my size, but it was on sale for 40% off and if you used your charge card they took another 15% off! Figured that was a sign from above that I should by the dress. Now I only need to find something for Megan and we'll be all set. Ok, guess I can't put off the cleaning any longer. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

I wish I could have helped you clean. I miss the good old days.

Anonymous said...

What the heck is that comment??

Suzanne said... looks like someone is trying to sell you something!!