Monday, September 10, 2007


Ok - so Suzanne likes to order groceries by computer - I like to DVR (like Tivo) shows and skip through the commercials. We all have our vices! Our DVR has been having problems for awhile now - but I was trying to get the kids to watch all the stuff they had on it before exchanging it. They are my children - so they procrastinated - and over the weekend the whole thing went down. No more being able to pause live tv - - - how archaic! Tonight is the season finale of Greek and Kate works until 9 so she'll miss it. I'm going to try and exchange the box at our local Comcast office - but have set up a tech call on the box for tomorrow am in case they don't have one to exchange. How pathetic is that? Sarah had a great time at her sleepover - and no middle of the night call to mom!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Recording and skipping the commercials is SO great! What will you do until it is replaced/fixed? Can you pause 'live' tv if you have to run to the bathroom or get a snack so you don't miss anything? Chris just showed me that feature on ours the other day....what a great one it is!