Friday, January 30, 2009

Now they've done it....

Ok, now I'm really ticked off! (see me jumping up and down over there?) Two stupid plows came to our neighborhood tonight just before 5pm. The one that came down our cul-de-sac simply turned around. It didn't bother to PLOW on it's way down - nor on it's way back out. WTF???

You guessed it...

As you can tell from the fact that I'm posting again so soon....we are having yet ANOTHER snow day. You've got to be kidding me! Four days in a row. Not really sure what's going on with the lack of snow plows. I'm sure the city will blame it on the budget. I understand not getting the Monday night snow plowed as it was still snowing a ton on Tuesday but this is FRIDAY people! I assume that is the reason we can't send the kids off to school - buses can't get around the neighborhoods. Yet people still had to get to work somehow. The kids are still having thanks to me. Emily & Sarah went sledding yesterday with Em's friend, Sarah. Diana and Tyler were there, too. Thanks for keeping them from going in the pond! They had a blast! I, on the other hand, was stuck at home with my computer - working. Working from home is a goal of mine. But it would be easier to do if I could access all my work info. I've got to get some specific software before that can happen. After this I know I'll have to get that worked out before summer arrives. But at this rate since we're adding days at the end of the year to make up for all these snow days - - - summer won't arrive until July! Megan found her silver lining in all this. Her school has not yet used all it's snow days (as she only had one day off from this storm). So she'll get out of school long before Emily and Sarah. Lucky girl!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 3 ....

Are you kidding me???? Third snow day in a row??? Looking for the silver lining here.....I guess it gives me a chance to post daily to my blog which I haven't been able to do since going back to work. Work (ahhhh) that place where there's adult conversation and when I do a job it stays done....oh, um sorry about that....I mean, ahem, I LOVE MY KIDS and all our together time! David was able to get home last night. They re-routed them to Charlotte to avoid the connection in NY. He said they really didn't think they'd make

it as all the flights around them were being just plain cancelled. So he has graciously gone in to work to be me today. I had stuff that just HAD to be done and Megan only had a two hour delay today, so one of us had to go up there.

Still no sign of a snow plow in our neighborhood. The trash truck made why don't they put a plow on the trash truck and

multi-task? At least make a path or something? I don't understand people some times. We had at least three vehicles come down our cul-de-sac and get stuck yesterday. Its a straight shot down our street - you can't miss the fact that there's NO WAY OUT - so why do people insist on driving down it? I'm not talking about the people that live here, obviously, just the idiots that think they can drive anywhere. You know the like maniacs going around other people that are trying to drive carefully to not cause a wreck?? Secretly I take a little joy when I see them fishtail and then look around like "did anyone see me?". Or just have to try to drive into that snow that's up to our knees to show how cool they are. Saw one trying to do that last night and just got tickled when they had to rock it back and forth for a few minutes to back out of the street. We had a couple of guys stuck in front of our driveway for about ten minutes last night. I ended up having to walk Em's friend, Katie, to the end of our street so her dad could pick her up.

Anyway, think I'll go make a grocery list as we've eaten all the good stuff we had. I'm going to have to get the makings for Skyline as Diana has posted about it twice this week. To the rest of you stuck at home in the snow....hang in there....surely they have to go back tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day two

The sun has finally come out - but still no sign of a snow plow since this storm started Monday night. After two hours of shoveling yesterday I decided to take two neighbor boys up on their offer to clear my driveway today. Gave up on Suzanne showing up with her snow "thrower" (that's for YOU, 2 kids....!). Hoping that David will be able to make it home from Rhode Island tonight and the kids will be back in school tomorrow. I really needed to be at work these last two days. You know it's been a big storm when even the colleges shut down. Katie is thrilled to get a college snow day - very rare. It is very pretty looking at it from my nice warm house. When it comes to winter - I'm truly and observer, not a participant if I can help it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Calmness in our lives

I am passing this on to you because it definitely works, and we could all use a little more calmness in our lives. By following simple advice heard on the Dr. Phil show, you too can find inner peace.Dr Phil proclaimed, 'The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started and have never finished. So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished, and before the morning was over I finished off a bottle of White Zinfandel, a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream, a package of Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some Doritos, and a box of chocolates. You have no idea how freaking good I feel right now.

Pass this on to those whom you think might be in need of inner peace.

Thanks, Cara, for passing this on to me! You know if it comes from Dr. Phil or Oprah it's gotta be good advice!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Need One

I must really need a drink....

I was checking my email, after a crazy day at work but before making some small attempt to look like I even thought about making dinner, and the subject on one of my emails was "Winter Margarita". It was from Family Fun Magazine. I thought "Wow! That's unusual from them!" But that didn't stop me from clicking it to see what the recipe might be! Imagine my surprise when it was some stupid marshmallow snowmen and animal creations. The subject line actually read "Winter Menagerie" when I went back to read it again. Talk about disappointed!