Thursday, August 30, 2007

Kelly's coming!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Can't wait for this weekend! Kelly, Michelle & Rachel are coming up for the long weekend! Just what this house needs - more hormones -sorry, David! John & Stephen are going to stay home and "watch football". Sounds like another chick flick and munchies weekend! See - I may chase my friends out of the state (and the country) but they know Hotel Hull is always open!


Suzanne said...

Have a great weekend! I am sure it will be full of lots of laughs and drinks :-} Have one for me!!

Diana said...

Ican not get over how grown up your older 2 girls are. They are all soooo pretty!!!
Welcome to the blogging world:)

Kelly said...

I love how I'm clutching the remote!!! How typical of me!!

Anonymous said...

What the heck.... I'm not there so it can't be any fun! hee hee... I will update my blog tonight. It has just been a very long week.

Anonymous said...

Oh that last comment was from me.